Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis


This component has the auditor discover possible flaws the organization's devices, services, application designs, and networks by testing and comparing them against a variety of online and offline resources (vulnerability databases, vendor advisories, and auditor investigation) to identify known vulnerabilities. Basic vulnerability analysis should be occurring along-side the other activities so that evidence can be gathered from the network, however, deeper research into specific discovered exploits can happen after the on-site audit to fully take advantage of the short time the auditor has on site.


It is not uncommon for a cash-strapped human rights NGO to outsource most of its IT infrastructure to a cloud provider, such as Google Apps, or to ad-hoc services (Dropbox, Yahoo! mail, Wordpress, etc.). A better-resourced organization may be more likely to host its critical services at a remote data center, but not have someone designated to update and patch systems as vulnerabilities are released, or to view the services from a security -- as opposed to availability -- standpoint.

The Flow Of Information

Vulnerability Analysis Information Flow

Guiding Questions



Operational Security


Baseline Skills


Vulnerability Databases

Website Vulnerability Scanning

System Vulnerability Scanning



  1. Microsoft Security Bulletin

  2. "In-Depth Reading, Vendor Information, & External Advisories"

  3. "Security-Related Vendor Information"

  4. "CERT/CC Advisories"

  5. "Security Tracker"

  6. "Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products"

  7. Microsoft Security Bulletin

  8. "In-Depth Reading, Vendor Information, & External Advisories"

  9. "Security-Related Vendor Information"

  10. "CERT/CC Advisories"

  11. "Security Tracker"

  12. "Known Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products"



Developed with ❤ by

Information Innovation Lab

Applied research and development of public interest technology.